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Tanya Ortiz Franklin is the School Board Member for Los Angeles Unified, Board District 7, where she has been an LAUSD student, teacher, teacher-educator, and advocate.


Since taking office in December 2020, Tanya has authored 9 board-approved resolutions resulting in significantly improved school conditions for students, including enacting  more equitable grading across the district; providing high-speed broadband internet in the homes of more than 100,000 students; improving strategies to recruit, retain and support more Black educators; ensuring more arts access for all TK-12th grade students; and improving community collaborations, such as safe passages, to keep students safe. 

She has also fought to ensure schools with the highest-need students receive the greatest amount of resources, including stable and highly-qualified staff as well as additional dollars to invest in school-site priorities. Tanya chaired the Board’s Innovation Committee for two years and also serves on the California School Board Association’s Board of Directors and Legislative Committee, advocating for urban public school students at the state level.


Tanya is running for re-election for a second term on the LA Unified School Board to ensure all students are prepared for college, career, and life. She graduated from LA Unified in 2001 alongside less than half of her freshman class. Today, nearly 85% of students graduate, but only half are eligible to choose college. By prioritizing student safety, ensuring all budget decisions are student-centered, and focusing on what works to improve academic achievement, LA Unified can help develop the full potential of each and every student. 


As an educator, policy-maker, and lawyer, Tanya has the skills, experience, and drive to lead the positive change our students deserve. As the daughter of an immigrant, a first-generation college graduate, and a mother to a future LAUSD student, she has the personal conviction and passion to sustain the energy and build a diverse coalition for educational justice.

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